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- Alumni Profiles
- Adonis - University of Warwick, Philosophy
- Ali - Gfinity Plc
- Anastasia - King's College London, Dentistry
- Ann - Royal Holloway University of London, Politics and IR
- Anna - Durham University, History
- Antonios - University College London, Chemistry with Mathematics
- Cassie - St George's University of London, Medicine
- Christopher - University of Hertfordshire, English Literature with Acting and Film
- David - Newcastle University, Medicine
- Despina - University of Sheffield, Geography
- Dimitri - Wolverhampton & Middlesex Universities, P.E. & PGCE
- Ellie - East Anglia University, English Literature with Creative Writing
- Emel - Singer/Artist/Author, AVCE Art
- Evie - University of Reading, Eng Lit & Philosophy
- Gabby - Gonville & Caius, English
- Hannah - University of Birmingham, Geology
- Harry - University College London, Medicine
- Jenny - Cambridge University, Chemical Engineering
- Joel - University of Warwick, German Studies
- Jon - University of Sheffield, Urban Studies and Planning
- Kieran - University of Warwick, Management
- Laura - University of Bath, Mathematical Sciences
- Maya - St George's, University of London, Medicine
- Melina - University of the Arts London, Interior Design
- Mimi - King’s College London, Dentistry
- Nimisha - Nottingham Trent University, Architecture
- Parisah - University of Leicester, Medicine
- Rishi - University of Birmingham, Dentistry
- Sarah - Bournemouth University, Product Design
- Sophie - University of Bath, Psychology
- Tanya - University of Leeds, Dentistry
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