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Attendance and Lateness


Regular and punctual attendance is required so that students can achieve their full potential.

Parents are encouraged to use the MCAS App to report their child’s absence before the start of the school day (8:40 am).  Equally, they can call the school’s student absence line or email this information.  If no such message is received, parents/carers will be sent a text message informing them that their child is not in school.

We encourage students to make any routine appointments outside school hours wherever possible.  However, if a student has an appointment during the school day, a message should be sent to school in advance via the MCAS App/email, and then the student must collect a Sign Out Form from their form tutor on the morning of their appointment.  All students must be collected from reception, where they will be given an off-site pass. 

The school will not authorise holidays in term time.


All students are expected to be on the school site at 8:30 am, and in their form rooms by 8:40 am.  Students arriving late for any reason must sign in using the late sheets and then make their way to morning registration.  Should a student arrive after 9:00 am, they must report to reception and then make their way to the pastoral office. Frequent lateness is unacceptable; students will be required to make up lost time after school.