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Art & Design


Art and Design is a means of communication of ideas, concepts and emotions.  It is used as a form of recording ideas using the Visual Language in 2D, 3D and Photography in particular.

Students are given the opportunity to develop their ideas in structured projects that teach them specific skills.  This enables them to gain independence, confidence, creative thought process and aesthetic appreciation.  We pride ourselves in enabling our students to create exciting powerful images and objects, along with the ability to evaluate their own work. They are introduced to the concept of historical and contextual references allowing them to increase their knowledge of the wider world in which we live. Art and Design can enrich the human condition and is essential to our lives. Students engage in challenging activities that will broaden and deepen their knowledge about art, sharpen their art skills, and offer them learning opportunities to accelerate their learning.


The Art and Design curriculum is underpinned by 4 subject specific curriculum pillars:

The Pillars are referred to every lesson, they focus students on the skills and knowledge that will be developed over time, as students are introduced to new methods of drawing, painting and other specialist methods. They will research the work of professional artists, gain an understanding of the concepts behind their work and evaluate their skills.



Students have the opportunity to attend Art Club at lunchtime and after school to participate in various activities from mark making to 3D design and clay work.