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sixth form

PWC Careers Event

On 24th October, a group of female students and I took part in a PwC Careers event, based on PwC Women in Business/Technology.

We completed a range of activities, including team-building exercises, quizzes and creating presentations in groups for real-time current clients working with PwC.  We had access to and heard from their recruitment team, recent graduate joiners and female senior directors and the path they took to get where they did, which I personally found really useful.  It was a great experience, where we gained a deeper insight into the broad range of opportunities PwC has to offer, and what it would be like to work there, and they gave us brownies!  I made friendships with other girls interested in Technology and Business and have connections for work experience in the future.  Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity and I recommend any girls interested in Technology, Business or even Law to consider going.

Rosalin - 12/J2