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sixth form

Y12 Taster Days

Taster Day for External Students - Wednesday 27th June 2018

External students have been invited for a taster day on Wednesday 27th June 2018. The morning will begin with an introduction to Ashmole by 6th Form staff followed by two taster lessons.  There will then be a break to purchase refreshments in the Sixth Form Café followed by a third taster lesson and a concluding talk with a question and answer session.  The day should finish around 12:45pm. Further details have been included within the invite.


Internal Taster Day  - Thursday 28th June 2018

Internal students will be invited in for a taster session on Thursday 28th June 2018.

The morning will begin with an introduction to Ashmole by 6th Form staff followed by two taster lessons.  There will then be a break to purchase refreshments in the Sixth Form Café followed by a third taster lesson and a concluding talk with a question and answer session.  The day should finish around 12:45pm.