Ashmole Academy has been awarded Gold accreditation for the Equality Award. Click here

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Gold accreditation for the Equality Award.
We are delighted to announce that we are one of very few schools in the Country to have been awarded a GOLD accreditation for the Equality Award from Equaliteach.
EqualiTeach wrote:
“Congratulations on achieving your Gold Equalities Award! This demonstrates not only a commitment to equality, but that this work has been embedded, is creating a positive impact, and that your school can stand proudly as a beacon of good practice for other schools to learn from.”
Since starting this journey to improve EDI, the school has improved on an immense array of recommendations, none of which could have been achieved without the hard work from our students, parents and staff committee members.
I would therefore like to personally thank all the staff, parent and student committee members for their contribution towards this award. It has been a great team effort over the past 2 years and pleasing to see that we have been recognised for this.
This work is far from over. The school will continue to implement and welcome new suggestions from our committees.
Thank you for all your support.