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NEU Strike Action – Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March 2023

Following my letter dated Friday 23rd February 2023, I can confirm that the National Education Union (NEU) will be continuing with the third and fourth days of their industrial action on Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March 2023.

As with the previous action, I can confirm the school will only be open to Years 11, 12 & 13. The only exception to this provision will be those students deemed ‘vulnerable’ by the DfE’s definition and the children of key workers. Mrs McLaren, Deputy Head Teacher will write to you concerning this provision.

Parents of Year 11 pupils will receive a separate letter from Mr Dhinsa, Senior Deputy Head Teacher, regarding expectations for the day, as will parents of pupils in Years 7 to 10, concerning work that can be completed at home.

Those parents/carers of pupils who would receive a free school meal on that day but are not at school will receive a notification from Ms Brennan, CFO, regarding alternative arrangements.

I am sorry that some of you will again have to make alternative arrangements for your child. Ashmole Academy remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our pupils and delivering high quality teaching.

We are working closely with our staff union representatives to keep up to date with the situation and further action. Yours faithfully

Mr Sullivan

Head Teacher