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The school is now open. Students return on Monday 5th September. Please click here for 1st day arrangements.

First Day of Term

School returns for the Autumn Term on Monday 5th September 2022 for students, and it will be Week 1.  As usual, we will stagger entry times as follows:

Year 7 9.00am Hall
Year 8 9.45am Hall
Year 9 10.15am Hall
Year 10 10.40am Hall
Year 12 (New External) 11.10am Sixth Form Centre
Year 11 11.40am Hall
Year 12 (Internal) 12.10pm Hall
Year 13 12.40pm Hall

All students in Years 7-11 are required to attend in full school uniform.  Please see the website for uniform details, and dress code for the Sixth Form.