Author Visit: Caroline Green

Recently we had the pleasure of welcoming a very special guest to our school: award-winning author of children’s literature, Caroline Green.
Caroline delivered a wonderful and inspirational workshop on ‘Creative Writing’ to a group of students in Years 7 and 8. All students were very highly motivated by the author’s presentation and interaction, which led them to produce extraordinary and imaginative stories of an outstanding quality. We would all like to thank Caroline for a truly fantastic and inspirational experience.
Caroline Green is the author of ‘Dark Ride’, ‘Cracks’, ‘Fragments’ and ‘Hold Your Breath’; books which are especially popular in our school library.
She is also the author of best-selling psychological thrillers, ‘The Woman Next Door’, ‘In A Cottage In A Wood’, and ‘Don’t You Cry’.
Ms Pascual de Riquelme (Library)