Expectations and Dress Code
We have very high expectations from all our students. Post 16 students are student leaders in the school community. Their dress and appearance must therefore be appropriate to support and encourage the ethos of the school and the uniform and appearance policies in operation in Years 7 to 11.
- Post 16 students are not required to wear uniform but must dress appropriately for school in a casual but smart manner. They should remember that:
- Tracksuits are banned.
- Wearing hats indoors is forbidden.
- Hooded clothing may only be worn with the hood up in extreme weather conditions and not in the building.
- Wearing Football shirts or scarves are not allowed.
- Inappropriate slogans must not be worn on clothing.
- Jeans and trousers are to be smart and without rips or holes.
- Outdoor coats must be removed when in the buildings.
- Shorts are not appropriate for school.
- Skirts and tops for girls should be of an appropriate style and length.
- Appearance is required to be smart and in line with the main school Years 7 to 11. Specifically:
- Boys’ hair should be neat and tidy of uniform length (i.e. without a ‘step’ or patterns cut in it), not cropped, shaven or dyed.Cult or eccentric styles are not permitted.
- To create a clear distinction between staff and students, boys should be clean shaven.Boys who choose for religious reasons to grow a beard may do so if granted permission by the Head Teacher providing that the growth is of stubble length.
- Girl’s hair should be neat and tidy, avoiding outrageous or cult styles or obvious colourings.
- Body piercings and tattoos are not acceptable.Apart from the ears, not other visible body piercing is allowed; expect one small discrete nose stud.
- Headscarves that cover the hair for religious reasons are permitted.Following consultation and for reasons of health and safety and teaching and learning interaction face veils are not permitted.
Attendance and Punctuality
The most successful students have the best attendance. If students are not present in school they cannot learn. The target for each Year 12 students is 95% attendance.
All Sixth Form students are required to register at 8.40 am in their tutor room. If they arrive after 8.40 and before 8.50 they will be entered as late by the Form Tutor. All students who arrive after 8.50 must sign in on the ‘Late Sheet’ designated for their year group. If a student arrives after 9.30, or is absent for the whole day, they must bring a written explanation signed by a parent or carer. Lateness without reasonable explanation will incur a formal detention.
The school will not authorise the taking of holidays in school time.
Year 12 students are not entitled to be off-site during the school day unless permission has been granted. However, Sixth Form students are allowed off-site at lunch time. They must wear identity badges at all times on the school site and will only be admitted to the site if wearing their identity badge.